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A Family About us Wine producers of the Valle d'Aosta
Behind each label there is the story of each grower, a story of passion and hard labour. Our Grosjean story is that of a family.
Organic Wine
of Aosta Valley

Grosjean is a reality: we have been working the land for generations.
Grosjean isn’t just a local winery that produces and sells its wine but it is first and foremost a family. We therefore will present to you our wines but also the people behind the labels of our great mountain wines.
Because as in all businesses, especially those involving heroic wines, it is the human factor that makes the differece. In this frenetic and virtually social world it is important to remeber this.

Wine producers for 50 years.
The team
Sons, brothers and then cousins.
This is the Grosjean family

A passionate mechanic with a lot of experience with machinery. Associate since 2018, he specializes in various sectors of the vineyard: pruning, harvest and occasionally winetasting. He is passionate about is role in the business and is very close to his family roots. He also has a passion for bees and produces honey from his hives but continues to express a lot of interest for motors and local valle d’ aosta wine.

The doctor in the Grosjean family, graduating in 2014 from the University of Turin, on returning to the Valle d’Aosta he decides to open a clinic specializing in Acupuncture and Integrated Medicine as well as carrying on in the emergency department. Always active in the family business, he decides to concentrate on the commercial relations with our foreign market and administration. When not following his patients, he deals with the administration, our website and onine sales. Passionate about his work and his little Björn, he also loves being in the mountains: as the work day end in the winery he is off mountain biking, climbing and skiing.

Having grown up in the family winery, he falls in love with the viticulture of the Valle d’Aosta and completes a degree in enology from the university of viticulture and enology in Alba. He then sets up a small agricultural business, linked to the family and takes care of all the agronomic aspects of the business. Since 2015 he occupies the enologist role of the winery as well as running the day to day administration of the company. His main passion remains the agricultural sector and his two small children: Alizée and Cédric. When not occupied with the winery he can be found exploring the mountain bike paths of his hometown.

Class of 1984, passionate from a small age in the art of wood carving he consolidates his knowledge by attending a carpentry school. In 2014 he decides to change carrier and participate in the business as a tractor driver and manager of the vines and their life cycle. Marco enjoys the new world of Valle d’Aosta wines and applies hymself to the hard work with dedication but also receives a lot of satisfaction. He continues to persue his passion for woodwork and participates annually in the millenial Sant’Orso fair.

After numerous experiences, he decides to join the company in 1987, where he works alongside his sister Rita. In 1991 he dedicates himself fulltime to the company. Experienced as tractor driver he carries out all the mechanical work of the vineyard and part of the work in the winery. He’s a fantastic football player and plays regularly in Master championships of the Valle d’Aosta.
Viticulture of the Valle d’Aosta
Our story and our vision
Early evidence of the Grosjean family name in the Valle d’Aosta dates to the 16th century when the Duke of Savoie invited families of Savoie and Burgundy to repopulate the region after the terrible depopulation due to the terrible Plague that hit in 1630.
Story of steep slopes and the mountains
Heroic Viticulture
Viticulture in the Aosta Valley is undoubtedly a Heroic practice. It concerns the practice of viticulture in remote areas where much effort and dedication is required.